Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Breakfast Treats....YUMMY!

Such a nice surprise!! Our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter sent us a huge box of english muffins...all different flavors and a jar of jam to go with them. I know what we will be having for Christmas morning breakfast!! Not sure if I can wait that long though...might have to try one for lunch!! They are from Wolferman's and even the box they ship them in is wonderful....I will for sure put that to use in my office! Thank you so very much Melissa, Jamin and Arianna.....:) The next best thing to receiving these would be enjoying them with you....:)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice, Ice, Ice

Starting last night and into this morning we had an ice storm....about one half inch has accumilated on the patio and sidewalks. Even though slippery under foot I must admit it is pretty to see.....I love the way each and every branch is "enclosed"...and the icicles hanging from all over.... Sun is coming out now hopefully the roads and sidewalks will be cleared!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Winter is here...

Guess you can say, even though by the calandar it is not Officially sure looks like winter. The snow started to fall this morning....and is continuing to fall here in the midwest. I have to admit it does look pretty....and according to the weather station will be "looking even prettier" by tomorrow morning.....possible 6 or more inches of the "pretty stuff" will be on the sidewalks just waiting for me to shovel!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tree Trimming

This has always been my favorite time of year....Christmas and all the fun times that go along with the season....sending cards to loved ones....getting together with friends....and remembering the times past. This time of year always brings back such fond memories of my mom and dad. My dad passed away at an early age so he was not able to ever meet his grandchildren....but my mom sure spoiled them especially at Christmas...."because grandpa would have".....Every year she would start buying Christmas things for our children in the summer....she would have her shopping done by Thanksgiving and that is the day she spent wrapping everything and carefully making note of each gift to make things "even".....the packages would sit all neatly wrapped on my old bed....waiting for us to pick her up and bring her to our house for the holidays. Each year she would say "I am going to cut down"....but alas....never did! She brought such joy to everyone....I never really had to do much baking because she always brought TONS of home baked goodies...not only for us but our neighbors and her favorite store owners. While trimming our tree every year I just "remember" which each ornament I hang. She had started buying us Hallmark ornaments with the year...and the kids each got one too...which came in handy when they both got married.....they had enough ornaments to decorate their own trees. Now as I hang each ornament there is also one very special ornament that has a special place on the is the "Mae Farrell Family" was given to me after she passed away. I put it on the front of the tree so she too can enjoy the family that gathers in that room. She was a grand lady. She is the reason I still have her famous "Christmas customs" of the left over box and other things. The left over box became because she would buy too many stocking stuffers....therefore had to use a box.....
Have a wonderful holiday season everyone.....I know I will.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Flowers for my birthday

What a beautiful surprise these were. And funny story....I kept "listening" for delivery trucks yesterday or a knock on the daughter in law always has flowers delivered for my birthday and they are always so pretty....but my birthday came and went...and no delivery. So this morning for our "good morning" emails...I told her thank you for the birthday card that I received in the mail...and she replied back asking if I had gotten the flowers that she thru a phone call....and fast delivery I received pretty! Thank you Kelli, Anabelle, Brady and Jason.....

Friday, September 19, 2008

Flood 2008

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This was not a joy....but wanted to post the pictures I took today while at the first day of clean up at our marina. There was lots of great help there....could not have done all that got done day without the help....the office had 4 ft of water in it....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Arianna's visit

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We had such a wonderful visit with our daughter and granddaughter.....there is NOTHING better than a smile from a grandchild....and holding them...and hugging them...and kissing that sweet little face! And when they grab your hand....ahhh....just simply the best thing that could ever happen to you! Today was a very sad day....they left to go back home. only a few short months we will be visiting them. We did so many things....Melissa learned how to sew and was a very fast learner....she started knitting again....we went on walks...visited with people...Arianna's great Aunt Sharon came to our house to visit with her new grand niece....just a wonderful time...words can not express the love and fun we had. Hope you enjoy the pictures....I miss them sooooooooooo much

Friday, September 12, 2008

Arianna's Visit

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Our daughter and granddaughter arrived here Monday.....and we are having so much fun. This is only a few of the pictures we have taken. Arianna is such a joy! One of my favorites times is just sitting on her mommy's bed (Arianna has decided that is where she likes to sleep) and just watch her wake up....and then when she does wake up....the great big "good morning" smile that she gives me....awwwww...she melts my heart! She is a wonderful little joy and we are so enjoying their visit.....will write more...but need to go and get some more smiles, hugs and kisses now.....:)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Grandparents Day at Pre-school

Today was Grandparents Day at our grandchildren's pre-school class. I was able to go and spend the morning with them. We had so much fun.....the teachers had each child go over to their grandparent and introduce them to everyone...and the teacher took our pictures....we enjoyed having a snack of little muffins and apple juice and after snack time was over it was craft time! Lexi (Anabelle's BEST friend) joined us for our day together. For the craft they were given a paper plate and all kinds of things to glue onto the plate to "make their grandparent".....Brady was very choosy as to what he picked to glue onto his plate to make "grammie"....and then Lexi made me "real fancy"...and Anabelle made herself since Lexi was making one of me. They all did a very good job....and so fun to watch them and listen to them. I had such a wonderful time.....Anabelle and Brady are growing up so fast....I do not want to miss a minute of that!

Butterflies in my garden.....

The butterflies LOVE this sedum....and I have several plants...which means LOTS of butterflies!! It is so cool to walk out onto the patio area and see all the butterflies....there is usually one on each flower....then as you walk by they flutter pretty to watch.

Monday, June 16, 2008

This is not a joy.....

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The joy for the day was a very nice Father's Day for my husband.....but then a storm rolled in at our marina....we sat that out and were getting ready to head home when we got a phone call from a friend saying that our very large maple tree had fallen over and was laying on top of of pergola! Luckily it fell where it did and not the other direction into the street...and thank God no one was hurt. Now....comes the cleaning up process and repairs....

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Girls Day

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Melissa, Arianna and I had such a fun day walking around Jacksonville.....we stopped for coffee and sat outside in the sun....walked around the town and went in some shops...and of course a toy store....and walked the trail in a park....wonderful day for all of us....then later when we were home I watched a thunderstorm roll in over the pretty with the rainbow

For you Papa....

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Grammie and Arianna are having a wonderful time....she is excited to see papa and so is grammie

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sweet Baby Arianna

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Here is my sweet baby Arianna....grammie and her are having such a wonderful time together.....and it has been so nice to be able to vist with MY girl and now the three "generations" of us playing together....I love them both very much

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Anabelle and Brady's Birthday Party

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What a joy today was. I can hardly believe that they are 4 & 3 already! I went over early to play with the kids and keep them "occupied" while mommy and daddy got things ready for the party.....and I am not sure who had the most fun playing...grammie or Anabelle and Brady. I just love playing with them. And grammie also got a gift today....some more artwork....I have some very good little artists too.....:)
It was a great day and we all had lots of fun!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I was working upstairs in my office when I heard a knock at the front door....the lady there said she had a "delivery for me"....and what a beautiful delivery it is! I love Mother's Day!! But most of all I love my children and the wonderful families they have made. I am very blessed.

Monday, May 5, 2008

"The Prom Tree"

This flowering crab apple tree was renamed "the prom tree" because it was always in bloom around the time our children were going to prom.....and when their dates arrived and before they took off for the festivities we would take their pictures under this tree. And now right below this tree is the swingset for our grandchildren.....the tree holds and has captured many memories....and more to come.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Arianna Skye

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Here is my little joy.....Arianna Skye! What a little sweetie and I can hardly wait to meet her in person and tell her how much grammie loves her! She was born (a little early) on April 23, 2008 at 3:27am. She weighed 4lbs 11oz and is very healthy.....mommy and daddy adore her and they are such a happy family!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Outfit

I got some new patterns....and more fabric...having so much fun and just can't stop!
Back to sewing now....

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Butterfly kisses....

One more little romper done for our new little girl. I can just see her out in the garden with mommy and watching the butterflies.... Now on to some more sewing and more rompers....

Friday, February 29, 2008

Playmate...come out and play with me....

One more outfit done for our new little girl! I don't know why...but when I was sewing this little romper the song "Playmate...come out and play with me....." kept running through my head....and grammie would love to be her playmate and go out and play with her. That is what grammie and papa love to do!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Shoes for Cute little Tootsie's

These are very addicting to make! I have been using scraps of fabric left over from some quilts I have made and it has been so much fun mixing and matching fabric! Now on to some more projects! Hope our new little girl will enjoy wearing these....but it also fun to have no shoes on and wiggle your toes!

Monday, February 25, 2008


Here is one more little sundress done for our new little girl....and of course matching shoes! Now I need to buy some more fabric....have many more little outfits I want to sew for her. This is so much fun!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Garden Party

Our new little girl will be ready for her first "Garden/Tea Party" with grammie fun that will be!! This little newborn outfit was so much to make! I may have to look for patterns to sew for Anabelle and Brady now! And of course finish some more for our soon to be little princess.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Little Joys

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Diaper Bag and Accessories

I just completed this diaper bag, binky holder, changing pad and diaper/wipes tote for my daughter, Melissa. I also had enough fabric to sew up a few little reversible bibs for our new little sweetie. I can hardly wait to meet her in May...which is when she is due to meet her family!

My next project(s) now are to make her some sundresses and a couple sunbonnets...every little girl needs those. So....I best get busy...because I have many more projects on my list.

This is such a joy!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Another Project Completed

Today while waiting for Kelli, Anabelle and Brady to arrive I finished the poncho for our new little girl who arrives in May. Now that I have this one done....on to another project for this little sweetie. I have many things I want to make for her....and her mommy too. Diaper bag and some accessories to go along with that...more sweaters for the little sweetie...a couple quilts.....oh my..I best stop writing this and get busy! Hopefully I will be posting another completed project soon!

Cookie and Play Day

Kelli (my daughter in law) and I have started a fun "tradition" of having a "Cookie/Play Day"...we set aside a day for making "grammie cookies" for any special occasion or a holiday. We with the help of Anabelle and Brady make cut out sugar cookies. It is such fun!! I roll the dough out (after the kids have spread the flour on the cutting board of course)then they press their cookie cutters into the dough....once on the cookie sheet they put the "pretty sprinkles" on with the help of mommy. After the cookies are made (or like today...before we made the cookies) we play games. It is so much fun!! Today we played "hide and seek" (Anabelle and I had the BEST hiding place!!), after that we played Hi Ho Cherry-O and then a Dora Alaphabet game. We took time out for a snack of apples and bananas and just had the best fun and best day! We also had a phone call from Aunt "Wissa" and Anabelle and Brady had a nice chat with her....we had a busy fun day. My grandchildren are the BEST!! And they never cease to amaze me at what they have learned. And a hug and a kiss from a grandchild is by far the best thing a grandparent can receive....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Joy of Knitting Continues...

Here is another project I found on the Lion Brand Yarn site....they have so many cute things to make in knit or crochet. Once again....I am having so much fun making things for our "soon to be" granddaughter. I had made several things for our first granddaughter....and for our is a great joy for me to see them using grammie's grandchildren are just a GREAT JOY to have!

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Joy of Knitting

I am having so much fun knitting for "our little princess" who will be born in May! This is actually the 2nd sweater I have knit for the baby....but the first one I have knit since we found out we are having a granddaughter. I now have another project started for her....and several more to go. And of course have been knitting in pink now too besides some other colors. I can hardly wait to see her in "grammie creations"

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Joy of Sewing

One of my "joys" is sewing.....especially for my grandchildren and soon to be third grandchild. I found this cloth baby shoe pattern at stardustshoes and fell in love with them. I have a feeling this new grandchild will have LOTS of shoes. They are fun and easy to create. It is great for using up scraps of fabric left over from my quilts.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Grammie and Papa's Gallery

I always enjoy receiving artwork from my granchildren. There is something very special about a childs drawings. I have created "Grammie and Papa's Gallery" in a stairway right outside my office....this way I can look at their masterpieces all the time! We have plenty of "display" space in our home and look forward to receiving more. Brings back memories of our own children....however a few times they did not use the proper "drawing surface" to be creative time our daughter (and a friend) thought that the inside of her closet should be "re-decorated", they got very creative not with crayons but markers. And of course I can not leave my son time he also got very creative and also using a red marker decided to draw on himself...he did not miss a spot! That took awhile and many soaks in the tub to get off! All in all...being creative is so much fun!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

All of My Joys

This blog will be dedicated to "All of My Joys" children, my other "children" (my daughter-in-law and son-in-law) my ever so sweet and adorable, huggable grandchildren, my husband, my friends and everything that makes me "joyful"....which when I think about quite a lot!