Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Joy of Sewing

One of my "joys" is sewing.....especially for my grandchildren and soon to be third grandchild. I found this cloth baby shoe pattern at stardustshoes and fell in love with them. I have a feeling this new grandchild will have LOTS of shoes. They are fun and easy to create. It is great for using up scraps of fabric left over from my quilts.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Grammie and Papa's Gallery

I always enjoy receiving artwork from my granchildren. There is something very special about a childs drawings. I have created "Grammie and Papa's Gallery" in a stairway right outside my office....this way I can look at their masterpieces all the time! We have plenty of "display" space in our home and look forward to receiving more. Brings back memories of our own children....however a few times they did not use the proper "drawing surface" to be creative time our daughter (and a friend) thought that the inside of her closet should be "re-decorated", they got very creative not with crayons but markers. And of course I can not leave my son time he also got very creative and also using a red marker decided to draw on himself...he did not miss a spot! That took awhile and many soaks in the tub to get off! All in all...being creative is so much fun!