Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My 2 Favorite Girls

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I just spent 2 fun filled weeks in Oregon with my 2 favorite girls....our daughter, Melissa and granddaughter, Arianna! We had sooooo much fun!! Arianna turned 14 months old while I was there....and everyday seemed like she did something new! She is wonderful entertainment! We did 2 "girls day out" for lunch....went to parks, went to the lake....went shopping (!!!). Had many "tea parties" (while mommy and mum-mum sang!) Oh yes....and Ari has decided to call me "mum mum" cute! And I love her kisses.....
Enjoy the pictures.....I love you Melissa and Arianna....miss you!!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Anabelle and Brady

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Today our daughter-in-law brought our grandchildren Anabelle and Brady over for a visit. They missed having Christmas with we had Christmas today and it was fun! They are both so cute and fun to be with......and you just never know what they are going to say or surprise you with. They are both just so darn cute and growing up so fast!! Here are some pictures I took......grammies camera is too slow and they are too fast...hee..hee...seems like I got a lot of pictures of arms and half kids! But oh well.....It was being with them that I enjoyed....not taking time to grab the right photo.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Grammie's Visit

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My husband surprised me on Christmas with a airline ticket to go out to Oregon to visit our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter....:) I just got home and had such an awesome visit!!! I love them all and miss them sooooooo are some pictures I took while out there. Arianna is growing up so fast....and so so cute and fun to play with!! Our daughter Melissa also received a new sewing machine for she did some sewing for Ari.....she is a natural at it and did a wonderful job!! I love you all and miss you so much!!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Breakfast Treats....YUMMY!

Such a nice surprise!! Our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter sent us a huge box of english muffins...all different flavors and a jar of jam to go with them. I know what we will be having for Christmas morning breakfast!! Not sure if I can wait that long though...might have to try one for lunch!! They are from Wolferman's and even the box they ship them in is wonderful....I will for sure put that to use in my office! Thank you so very much Melissa, Jamin and Arianna.....:) The next best thing to receiving these would be enjoying them with you....:)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice, Ice, Ice

Starting last night and into this morning we had an ice storm....about one half inch has accumilated on the patio and sidewalks. Even though slippery under foot I must admit it is pretty to see.....I love the way each and every branch is "enclosed"...and the icicles hanging from all over.... Sun is coming out now hopefully the roads and sidewalks will be cleared!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Winter is here...

Guess you can say, even though by the calandar it is not Officially sure looks like winter. The snow started to fall this morning....and is continuing to fall here in the midwest. I have to admit it does look pretty....and according to the weather station will be "looking even prettier" by tomorrow morning.....possible 6 or more inches of the "pretty stuff" will be on the sidewalks just waiting for me to shovel!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tree Trimming

This has always been my favorite time of year....Christmas and all the fun times that go along with the season....sending cards to loved ones....getting together with friends....and remembering the times past. This time of year always brings back such fond memories of my mom and dad. My dad passed away at an early age so he was not able to ever meet his grandchildren....but my mom sure spoiled them especially at Christmas...."because grandpa would have".....Every year she would start buying Christmas things for our children in the summer....she would have her shopping done by Thanksgiving and that is the day she spent wrapping everything and carefully making note of each gift to make things "even".....the packages would sit all neatly wrapped on my old bed....waiting for us to pick her up and bring her to our house for the holidays. Each year she would say "I am going to cut down"....but alas....never did! She brought such joy to everyone....I never really had to do much baking because she always brought TONS of home baked goodies...not only for us but our neighbors and her favorite store owners. While trimming our tree every year I just "remember" which each ornament I hang. She had started buying us Hallmark ornaments with the year...and the kids each got one too...which came in handy when they both got married.....they had enough ornaments to decorate their own trees. Now as I hang each ornament there is also one very special ornament that has a special place on the is the "Mae Farrell Family" was given to me after she passed away. I put it on the front of the tree so she too can enjoy the family that gathers in that room. She was a grand lady. She is the reason I still have her famous "Christmas customs" of the left over box and other things. The left over box became because she would buy too many stocking stuffers....therefore had to use a box.....
Have a wonderful holiday season everyone.....I know I will.